Seperti biasanya, aku tetep cooking-baking tanpa recipe. Semua tergantung mood & chance. Makanya bikinnya yang simply 'n minimalis. Selain itu, bahannya apa kata kulkas deh. Ga' hobby shopping, jadi tiap minggu belanjanya terserah Omi (Oma maksudnya, karena badannya mungil dipanggil Omi gitu loh).
180 ml evaporated milk
80 gr margarine / butter
120 gr all purpose wheat flour
¼ tsp salt
4 large eggs
Filling :
200 ml evaporated milk
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cornstarch + 4 tbsp water, mix
1 large egg, lightly beaten
2 tsp rhum
Direction :
Preheat oven to 180 deg.C.
Mix milk and butter in a pan. Cook over medium heat until the butter melted.
Add flour & salt, mix well. Remove pan from heat and let cool completely.
Then add eggs, beat with wire whisk until well blended.
Spoon batter into baking pan with distance 2-3 inchs each one.
Bake 15-20 minutes or until the edge is lightly browned.
Let the baked sous stay a few minutes on the oven and cool slightly.
Mix milk and sugar in sauce pan. Cook over medium heat.
A moment before boiled, add cornstarch, mix well.
Take a spoon of milk, whisk & mix with beaten egg.
Pour into sauce pan, mix until well blended and thickened.
Remove pan from heat, add rhum, mix well.
Let it cool before we spray into baked soes.
I ussualy serve these pake' ragout atau fla-nya dimixed ama strawberry jam or mix fruits. Bisa juga dikasih topping honey, mocca, dark cooking coklat.. (jadi eclairs niih!)
Atau kalo bikin soesnya gedean bisa dibikin ala 'Bulgel' buat bekel ngantor atau sekolah. Sip, siiip...!!
(Your photo is perfect, Ms.Mel)
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